- eqtk.parse_input(c0, N=None, K=None, logK=None, A=None, G=None, names=None, units=None, solvent_density=None, T=293.15, G_units=None)¶
Prepare input for use in low-level interface.
- Parameters
c0 (array_like, dict, Series, or DataFrame, shape (n_points, n_compounds) or (n_compounds, )) – Each row contains the total “initial” concentration of all possible chemical species in solution. The equilibrium concentration of all species is computed for each row in c0. c0[i, j] is the initial concentration of compound j for calculation i. c0 may also be passed as a Pandas Series where the indices contain the name of the chemical species and each value is the “initial concentration.” c0 may also be passed as a Pandas DataFrame where each row contains the total “initial” concentration of all possible compounds in solution and the column names are the names of the chemical species. If c0 is passed as a dict, the dict must be convertible to a Pandas Series or DataFrame as pd.Series(c0) or pd.DataFrame(c0).
N (array_like or DataFrame, default None) – Stoichiometic matrix. N[r, j] = the stoichiometric coefficient of compound j in chemical reaction r. All rows of N must be linearly independent. If entered as a DataFrame, the name of chemical species j is N.columns[j]. Optionally, column ‘equilibrium constant’ contains the equilibrium constants for each reaction in units commensurate with those of c0. If N is given, A and G cannot be given.
K (array_like, shape (n_reactions,), default None) – K[r] is the equilibrium constant for chemical reaction r in units commensurate with those of c0. If N is given as a DataFrame with an ‘equilibrium constant’ column, K should not be supplied. If K`is given, `A and G cannot be given.
logK (array_like, shape (n_reactions,), default None) – logK[r] is the natural logarithm of the equilibrium constant for chemical reaction r. If logK is specified, the concentrations must all be dimensionless (units=None). If N is given as a DataFrame with a ‘log equilibrium constant’ column, logK should not be supplied. If K is given, A, G, and K cannot be given.
A (array_like or DataFrame, n_compounds columns) – Constraint matrix. If c is the output, then A @ c0 = A @ c. All entries must be nonnegative and the rows of A must be linearly independent. If entered as a DataFrame, the name of chemical species j is A.columns[j]. If A is given, G must be given, and N and K cannot be given.
G (array_like, shape (n_compounds, ), default None) – G[j] is the free energy of chemical species j in units specified by G_units. If G is given, A must be given, and N and K cannot be given.
names (list or tuple of str, default None, optional) – The names of the chemical species. Names are inferred if N or A is given as a DataFrame, in which case names is unnecessary.
units (string or None, default None) – The units of the concentrations inputted as c0. The output is also in these units. Allowable values are {None, ‘mole fraction’, ‘molar’, ‘M’, ‘millimolar’, ‘mM’, ‘micromolar’, ‘uM’, ‘µM’, ‘nanomolar’, ‘nM’, ‘picomolar’, ‘pM’}. If None, concentrations are considered to be dimensionless. The equilibrium constants given by K must have corresponding units.
G_units (string, default None) – Units in which free energy is given. If None or ‘kT’, the free energies are specified in units of of the thermal energy kT. Allowable values are {None, ‘kT’, kcal/mol’, ‘J’, ‘J/mol’, ‘kJ/mol’, ‘pN-nm’}.
solvent_density (float, default None) – The density of the solvent in units commensurate with the units keyword argument. Default (None) assumes the solvent is water, and its density is computed at the temperature specified by the T keyword argument.
T (float, default = 293.15) – Temperature, in Kelvin, of the solution. When N and K are given, T is ignored if solvent_density is given or if units is None. If A and G are given, T is ignored when units and G_units are both None.
- Returns
x0 (Numpy array, dtype float, shape (n_points, n_compounds)) – Initial concentrations in dimensionless units. If units is not None, then the x0 is a mole fraction.
N (Numpy array, dtype float, shape (n_reactions, n_compounds)) – The stoichiometric matrix. Returned as None if inputted N is None.
logK (Numpy array, dtype float, shape (n_reactions,)) – The natural logarithm of the dimensionless equilibrium constants. Returned as None if inputted G is None.
A (Numpy array, dtype float, shape (n_conserv_laws, n_compounds)) – The conservation matrix. Returned as None if inputted A is None.
G (Numpy array, dtype float, shape (n_compounds,)) – The free energies of the chemical species. Returned as None if inputted G is None.
names (list of strings, len n_compounds) – Names of chemical species. If inputted names is None or if the names of the species cannot be inferred from any other input, returned as None.
solvent_density (float) – The density of the solvent.
single_point (bool) – True if only one calculation is to be computed (n_points == 1). False otherwise.